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Swazi Swazi Oi Oi Oi

Greetings everyone,

Just a quick check-in- a longer blog detailing the last month is in the works.

am safely in Swaziland, after a long drive from Cape Town, South Africa
to Manzini, Swaziland totaling around 30 hours.  We arrived on January
3, hit the ground running and really haven’t had much time to look back
since.  Myself and three coleaders have been trying to get to know the
area, find ministry opportunities for our team, keep 17 participants
somewhat well-fed, and get things underway as soon as possible.

In the last two weeks we have been able to visit some incredible
ministry sites: long-term care facilities for AIDS/TB patients where
students can build relationships, cook, and take care of the sick; a
hospital; numerous orphan carepoints scattered throughout Swaziland; a
center that takes in street kids, educates them, and tries to teach
them profitable trades as they grow older… the list goes on and on. 
Our team is currently trying to decide which ministries to commit to
for our time here.

It has been beautiful to watch them visit the ministries.  We’ve been
into some really uncomfortable places in the last week and a half – and
in spite of fear, nervousness, language barriers, and awkwardness they
have been bold and creative in crossing those divides.

My tuberculosis is easing.  They’ve lowered the prescription from 5
“horse pills” a day to 2 pills about the size of a Mentos.  So thanks
for all your prayers.

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  I would write a few pages about how
much I still love Martin Luther King, Jr. and how profound his words
still are – but I will just refer you to last years post and ask you to
read it again.

I suppose since we Obama is taking the Big Chair he hasn’t been so
overlooked this year.  Whatever the case – don’t think a black
president is the completion of King’s dream, the end of the world, or
the solution to the world problems.

For all you Republicans – don’t get your panties in a wad over a Democrat being in office.
For all you Democrats – don’t get cocky or be so naive as to believe everything to be solved because a democrat is in office.
Stop doing so much talking about things, lay down your figerpointing
games, and take some resposibility for the nation around you.

May you eat the gospel for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
and may it lead you to love your neighbors, love your enemies,
and seek the Father’s Kingdom more than your own and more than any American dream.

One comment

  1. Love the short rant about Obama in office. It echoes my sentiments exactly. Being in Kenya, where Obama has been labeled their “darling son”, has shown me just how out of proportion some of the expectations are for him but also how much of a potential impact he could have.

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